How to bath a newborn baby | Pregolove
Choose a place that is safe and warm. Close the windows and door, lower the air condition or turn it off completely especially when bathing a new born. Never put your newborn on water until the umbilical cord has fall off and both the navel and circumcised penis is healed.
Use the followings;
Babies sponge/Soft wash clothUse the followings;
Two towels
Clean cloths
A bar of mild soap/liquid baby soap
Baby shampoo (optional)
A bar of mild soap/liquid baby soap
Baby shampoo (optional)
Baby tub with 3 inches of warm water and liner to keep baby
from slipping.
- Handle babies with extra care especially when trying to bath them. For a first time mum it will be very scary when it comes to bathing a new born, it happened to me also. so don’t be worried for all you have to do is have your fingers under your baby’s armpit with your thumb around the shoulder, using your other hand to safely holds your baby’s bottom.
- If your baby guts fussy and cries when you undress him/her try singing a nursery rhyme and gently begin to wash one area at a time.
- Remember to always test the bath water by putting your elbow in it or by sprinkling little of the water on your wrist before bathing the baby with it just to be sure that it’s not too hot or cold for the baby.
- Never use cotton swabs for ears or nose.
- Use a soft cloth dipped in the water and wipe around the baby’s eyes, outside of the nose and ears. Then wipe the rest of the baby’s face and body with the wash cloth and warm water (no soap).
- Wrap him with a bigger dry towel then gently wash his head using a wash cloth dipped in a clean warm water.
Also dry the hair with a towel and put him back his cap, then dry his body up as quickly as possible. if your newborn skin is still peeling from birth, apply baby Vaseline or a mild baby lotion and wrap him up with a blanket. Hold
the baby up on your bare breast for at least 30 minutes or an hour (depending on your schedule) this will keep the baby
warm and it’s also a good way to bond with you, it will also help to increase
your breast milk supply.
Finally put baby on his diaper and dress him up. You can breastfeed him if he is hungry,
that is if he haven’t already fallen asleep. Don't forget to give him/her a kiss.
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