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Advantages of breastfeeding for mom and baby

Been wondering whether to choose to breastfeed or use formula?, i believe that choosing to breastfeed is a choice and it's up to you as a mom to decide whatever you think is best for you and your baby. Here are the importance of breastfeeding to baby and mom;

The benefits of breastfeeding for baby
Breast milk have all the essential nutrients necessary that meets your baby’s need. It's the best gift that only you can give to your baby, but remember to always give your baby Poly-vi-sol multivitamin supplement drop because breast milk lacks vitamin D and vitamin D-400IU is highly recommended for breastfed babies especially for those who are less exposed to sunlight. Babies need vitamin D and iron for a healthy growth. Your baby’s doctor will recommend it after he/she is born.

Breast milk have antibodies that helps to keep your baby from contracting colds, ear infection and diarrhea, because it is much easier for your baby’s body to absorb and process.  Breastfed babies have less allergies, constipation, colic and asthma.

Babies’ breastfed always have fewer problems with their teeth and later with speech problems.

It have the appropriate amount of fat and protein that helps the baby’s brain to mature as it should and they are less likely to be overweight and have diabetes. They grow into smarter and healthier adults.

It helps to grow healthy and stronger bones and muscles especially in your babies face and jaw.
They also have less chance of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)

 Why breastfeeding to good for mom;
  1.  Breastfeeding your baby helps you to lose weight faster. it produces the hormone known oxytocin which helps your uterus to shrink and goes back to it's normal size faster and can help to reduce postpartum bleeding.
  2. Breast milk is already at the right temperature so it saves and energy instead of stressing yourself you warming and washing up feeding bottles. 
  3. It creates room for a faster and better bond with your baby, having time to relax and be with each other which helps you and your baby feel closer and share the bond.
  4.  It also helps to lower your risk of breast and ovarian cancer.
  5.  It helps to save you from getting anemia (not enough blood cells)
  6.  It saves you money because breast milk cost less than baby formula, sterilize nipples and warm bottles, and if you are in WIC program they will offer you extra food vouchers to your family if you choose to breastfeed only.

If you are having problems breastfeeding you can call; 

WIC Breastfeeding Hotline (Mom’s place) 1-800-514-6667

1 comment:

  1. Breastmilk is good for babies, they don't get sick all the time. As a mother I choose to breastfeed my baby till he is 6 months old.


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